Lajna Imaillah Italy National Amila Have Honour of Virtual Meeting with World Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
“You are the people who are to guide the world” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad
On 4 September 2021, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad held a virtual online meeting with members of the National Amila (Executive) of Lajna Imaillah Italy (Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Auxiliary).
His Holiness presided the meeting from MTA Studios in Islamabad, Tilford, whilst the Amila members joined from the Baitul Tauheed Mosque in San Pietro in Casale, Bologna.
During the meeting, His Holiness emphasised the importance of Lajna members making efforts to portray the true peaceful message Islam to the Italian people.
Speaking to the Secretary Tabligh, responsible for outreach, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“You should make a comprehensive plan of how you are to convey the message of Islam. Consider what needs procuring, how much literature you need and how you will distribute it. Also analyse which people are more interested in religion and how you can reach them and invite them to your events. Hold seminars about Islam and invite your contacts. Make personal relations with people. Do not think that your only task is to cook, housework or talking to your spouse. Rather, go out yourself and tell your husbands that you also have the responsibility to go out to convey the message of Islam. Tell them that you must do the same work as the men do. You should tell them that ‘we will look after our homes and carry out the moral training of the children, however, at the same time, Tabligh is also our responsibility.’”
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued:
“As Muslim women, you have great tasks and objectives that lie in front of you for you to accomplish. In my sermons, I narrate the outstanding achievements and faith-inspiring stories and incidents of women from both our contemporary times and from the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) so that you have examples before you of women of excellence to inspire you.”
His Holiness also spoke about the importance of worship of Allah the Almighty.
Speaking to the national Secretary Tarbiyyat, responsible for the moral and spiritual training of the Lajna, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“You should strive to ensure that the members of Lajna are regular in offering the five daily prayers. We should inculcate the belief (within Ahmadi Muslims) that just as the human body cannot survive without oxygen, our spiritual body needs nourishment through prayer. People do many good deeds but those good deeds are often short-lived. They are seasonal good deeds that change like the weather. Sometimes a fresh gust of cold air flows or the weather becomes cool and refreshing, but then it returns to the heat and the humidity. So that serves no long-term benefit. A person soon again becomes restless. So true benefit can only be derived if the Lajna members observe their prayers with regularity. You must ensure the correct moral upbringing of Ahmadi children and the key ingredient is to ensure they observe their prayers with regularity.”
His Holiness also spoke of the need for unity amongst Ahmadi Muslims of different ethnic backgrounds and said that Ahmadi Muslims should be leading by example in creating a harmonious multicultural society.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“There should be no difference created between Pakistanis, Arabs and Africans. Everyone must live together as one. Amongst the members of our community, strive to establish an ‘Ahmadi Muslim society’. This is a major task of the Tarbiyyat department. If you create a truly Ahmadi society, a truly Islamic society in which there is no difference between people of different nations and everyone is one, and all are identified through only their Ahmadi Muslim identity then all the challenges of moral training will be overcome. This is a very important task. Along with ensuring our members are regular in prayer, this too is a major challenge which you must fulfil. Unite the people of all backgrounds and heritages together and make them as one. The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) was sent with the mission of uniting people under one faith and so make all efforts to become united and make this your target.”
A Lajna Amila member asked His Holiness how to better involve those women who are less attached to the activities of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“In reality, you contact the women only whenever there is an event or there is a charity collection or to take part in some scheme. This is the wrong approach. Do not just contact them for any work you need from them. Make initial contact with them just to create a personal relationship with them. When you establish a sincere personal relationship with them then they will realise you are not coming to them just for charity collection or to instruct them. Gradually introduce them to the activities of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Those who are Pakistanis who came to Italy on asylum, tell them how the Italian government has not accommodated them because of some personal quality they possess having come from Pakistan, [rather it is because of the persecution they face as Ahmadi Muslims]. Or if people are from other countries, and they migrated for economic reasons then it is Allah’s bounty upon them and for that they should be grateful and express that gratitude to God Almighty and take part in the events and programmes of the Community. So, it is important that you gradually build a relationship with them.”
One of the women mentioned that there are cases where the husbands of married women do not cooperate with their wives when they wish to give time for the events and activities of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. She asked for advice in this regard.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“At one level, you must try to guide your husbands and that is part of your responsibility. Furthermore, enact the moral training of your sons in a way that they grow to become good husbands and good members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community so that your future generation may be protected. The women must play their role in training the next generation.”
Another Lajna member asked how young people can navigate the current financial problems that the world is facing.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“Allah the Almighty has commanded that we must remain content with what we have. When there is contentment, there is less wastage of money on extravagant items and people’s yearning for wealth reduces. If a person desires that she should only wear designer clothes beyond her means, then of course it will create frustrations. However, if we are content then we will learn to live within our means.”
His Holiness said that there is likely to be a further increase in fuel prices as there will be further shortages and so it is not a matter which pertains to women only, rather it is a global issue facing the world.
Further advising on this matter, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“Those who are truly inclined towards the faith do not lust after material possessions. Remember, (as Ahmadi Muslims) you are the people who are to guide the world. Rather than chasing after wealth and usurping the rights of one another and perpetrating injustices, or stealing or resorting to violence and creating disorder on the streets and instigating uprisings against governments in countries, you should create contentment within yourselves. Try to make best use of minimum resources. If Ahmadi Muslims can establish themselves upon such morality then they can carry out the moral and spiritual training of the rest of the world too.”
His Holiness said that material desires are such that they can easily become never-ending and consume materialistic people. His Holiness gave an example of a person who develops a desire to itch their skin. He continues to enjoy itching his skin despite the fact that it is damaging to him. Similarly, a person who indulges uncontrollably in their desire for wealth and materialism can never become satisfied and ends up harming themselves.
Pointing to the ultimate solution, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“Contentment and the remembrance of Allah the Almighty must be adopted. Pay attention towards your prayers and all the problems will be resolved. If you develop a bond with Allah the Almighty, all the spiritual illnesses will be cured.”
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