Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Concludes Majlis Ansarullah Ijtema with Faith-Inspiring Address
“In terms of attaining the high spiritual standards, and lofty levels of morality… it ought to be the auxiliary organisation of Ansarullah that should lead by example.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad
On 18 September 2022, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivered a faith-inspiring address to conclude the National Ijtema (Annual Gathering) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Elder’s Association UK (Majlis Ansarullah).
The 3-day event which was held at Old Park Farm in Kingsley was attended by more than 4,090 people.
During his address, His Holiness spoke of the significance of adopting righteousness [Taqwa] for all members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, especially the Ansarullah.
His Holiness highlighted that the members of Majlis Ansarullah must self-reflect to see how well they have adopted righteousness and where there is room for improvement.
Speaking of the responsibilities that lie upon the members of Majlis Ansarullah, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“In terms of attaining the high spiritual standards, and lofty levels of morality and other good deeds, it ought to be the auxiliary organisation of Ansarullah that should lead by example. This can only occur when a person develops Taqwa in one’s heart; only then can one establish communion with Allah the Almighty, and subsequently attain the highest of ranks in morality. Only thereafter can an individual be included amongst the true Ansar. For this very reason, the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) fervently called upon his followers on countless occasions to tread the path of righteousness, because it is a most fundamental requirement.”
Throughout his sermon, His Holiness quoted several verses of the Holy Quran which outline the signs of those people who adopt Taqwa.
His Holiness quoted chapter 16 verse 29 which states:
“Verily, Allah is with those who are righteous and those who do good.”
Explaining the definition of the word ‘Taqwa’, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“What is ‘Taqwa’? It means to have the love and fear of Allah the Almighty inculcated in one’s heart, and to dwell on the thought that, ‘Allah the Almighty is watching me’ before starting any and every task. ‘Those who do good’ are those who possess knowledge of virtuous matters and carry out good deeds.”
Reiterating the vital need for members of Majlis Ansarullah to ponder over their standards of righteousness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“If our slogan is ‘We are the Helpers of Allah’ then we ought to purify ourselves first so that we become the servants of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) and deliver this world from vices and from associating partners with Allah. We must strive to illumine the hearts of the people with the Light of the One God. This was the very purpose for which Allah the Almighty commissioned the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him). However, if our own hearts are consumed by the dirt, filth and greed of the world, how can we reform others? Thus, now the real objective of Ansarullah, by staying attached to the one appointed by God, is to bring the world to bow down before the One God and to guide them to come under the flag of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Thus, for this cause, we will have to assess ourselves and ask what kind of ‘Ansarullah’ we are.”
His Holiness also quoted chapter 65 verses 3 and 4 which state:
“And he who fears Allah—He will make for him a way out, and will provide for him from whence he expects not.”
His Holiness explained that it is a sign of the one who adopts ‘Taqwa’ that he is not afflicted with needs that he is incapable of bearing.
Further explaining the relevance of these verses, particularly for the members of Majlis Ansarullah, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“We generally observe that when people attain an older age, at a time when their children are becoming older too, they start to become ever more concerned for their needs and ponder over their education, as well as their various expenses. The age of forty is such when these thoughts begin to grow. In such circumstances, there are some – those who are consumed by worldly thoughts or those who lack trust in God – who seek to find different stratagems and means to fulfil their needs and they care not if those strategies involve something which is illegal. For example, we find that many people wrongly avoid paying tax and attempt to deceive through other means too – all for the sake of fulfilling their and their children’s expenses and for purchasing property and fulfilling their materialistic desires.”
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad further stated:
“Allah the Almighty states that if you possess Taqwa, then Allah the Almighty will Himself take care of your affairs or soon bestow such a blessing upon you which makes provisions to cover the expenses through unexpected ways. These are not fanciful words devoid of reality, in fact, countless Ahmadi Muslims have informed me by writing to me that they placed their trust in Allah the Almighty and He provided means for them in such unforeseen ways that their expenses were covered and their financial needs were met.”
As the address concluded, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“It is vitally important that we become truly grateful to Allah the Almighty and spend our lives whilst adhering to His commandments and whilst adopting Taqwa. This is what is the essence of being Ansarullah entails. May Allah enable us all to act accordingly.”
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