39th Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) Germany Begins in Karslruhe
4 addresses to be delivered by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad during 3-day event
The 39th Jalsa Salana of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Germany began earlier today with a faith inspiring Friday Sermondelivered by the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and Fifth Khalifa, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. Just prior to the Sermon, His Holiness raised the Flag of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to officially inaugurate the event, whilst the German National Flag was also raised.
Around 30,000 delegates from dozens of countries are expected to attend the 3-day event during which Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad will deliver a total of 4 addresses, including an English address to non-Ahmadi guests on Saturday afternoon.
During his Friday Sermon, His Holiness spoke of the importance of the Annual Convention, an institution that was started by the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“With the Grace of Allah, each year the attendance at the Annual Convention increases and indeed this is how it should be because the Promised Messiah repeatedly exhorted his followers to take part.”
His Holiness said that just the fact that they were able to hold an Annual Convention in Germany was a great blessing as for more than 30 years Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan had been deprived of this right due to legal restrictions directly targeting the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
Speaking about the difficulties faced by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Pakistan, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“When I have met some Ahmadi Muslim guests from Pakistan they have become emotional and seek prayers that soon it is possible for them to hold Annual Conventions once again. And so I say again to the Pakistani Ahmadis that if they want to be freed from the trials they face then must bow down in prayer in front of God Almighty.”
His Holiness said that Ahmadi Muslims should use the three days of the Annual Convention to spiritually improve themselves and that once the Convention concluded they should seek to make all positive changes a permanent feature of their lives.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad also drew the attention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Germany to the importance of hospitality. He said that the hospitality of guests was repeatedly emphasised by the Promised Messiah.
His Holiness concluded by praying for the success of the Annual Convention.
Speaking after the conclusion of the Friday Sermon some Ahmadi Muslims spoke of their joy at being at the Annual Convention.
Sadiq Ahmad Butt (24) from Germany said:
“I can feel already the very spiritual atmosphere. We just want our Khalifa to see us and to pray behind him. Whilst at Jalsa I feel as though I am in a different world.”
Toheeb Ajibola (23) from Nigeria said:
“This is an opportunity for us to all join together, to prayer together behind the Khalifa and so we unite as one family. And seeing this unity makes our faith much stronger.”
Naseer Ahmad (35) from Germany said:
“I promise His Holiness that I will try to make all the good things I learn at Jalsa Salana a permanent feature of my life.”
Earlier, His Holiness was also briefly interviewed by a local journalist. His Holiness informed the journalist that his objective was “enhance the spiritual level” of the Ahmadi Muslim delegates.