We Asked Ahmadi Muslims What It Means To Be British
Ahmadiyya Festival Brings 30,000 Muslims Together To Condemn Extremism
ITV Coverage Jalsa UK 2014
Dates: Friday 2nd August – Sunday 4th August 2019.
Venue: Hadeeqatul Mahdi (Oakland Farm), Green Street, East Worldham, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 3AU
If you plan on attending the event, then interviews can also be arranged at the venue. High resolution images taken at last year’s event are also available on request before the event.
Please send your name, phone number, email, and the name of the organisation you represent.
Please state clearly whether you would like just a seat at the event, whether you want to do any interviews, or both.
Please bring photo identification on the day. Journalists bringing laptops will have access to the internet in the media centre on site.
Broadcasters are invited for filming of the proceedings and interviews and the venue is equipped with a media centre for journalists to make use of. Parking is available on site.
Attendees will be tweeting on the day and in the run up to the event using the hashtag #JalsaUK.
Please send an email to media@pressahmadiyya.com or info@pressahmadiyya.com with your requirements or questions. Please include your name, email, organisation and phone number.